Toshiba Carrier Environment

Toshiba Carrier Thailand, as development and manufacturing bases of air conditioner for homes and offices, etc., aims at contributing to the society through provision of environmentally harmonized products and production activities with consideration of reducing environmental burden. We promote environmental preservation activity technologically and economically within our capability, from the standpoint that "our basic responsibility as existing human beings is to succeed our "irreplaceableglobal" environment to the next generation in a sound state."

Environmental Policy

Toshiba Carrier Thailand (TCTC) recognizes Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a management matter of the utmost importance. TCTC also recognizes protection of environment is one of key areas of CSR, and aims to be the world’s foremost ecocompany based on integrity. As a developer and manufacturer of airconditioning system, TCTC continues to make its best efforts for low carbon environment through promoting environmental management, providing environmentally conscious products, and reducingenvironmental impact through business activities.

Promoting Environmental Management
  1. TCTC considers environmental stewardship to be one of management's responsibilities and promotes environmental activities in harmony with economic activities.
  2. TCTC assesses the impacts of its business activities, products and services on the environment, including with regard to biodiversity, and specifies objectives and targets with respect to the reduction of environmental impacts and prevention of pollution.
  3. TCTC strives to continuously improve environmental management through internal audits and reviews of activities.
  4. TCTC complies with all laws and regulations, industry guidelines it has endorsed, and its own standards concerning the environment.
  5. TCTC strives to enhance the awareness of all its employees with respect to the environment and requires that they make a practical contribution to the environment through their work.
  6. TCTC operates globally, and accordingly, promotes environmental activities as a member of Toshiba Group Providing Environmentally Conscious Products and Reducing Their Environmental Impact through Business Activities.

Providing Environmentally Conscious Products and Reducing Their Environmental Impact through Business Activities
  1. TCTC recognizes that natural resources are finite and implements vigorous environmental measures to promote their effective and practical use in terms of both products and business process.
  2. TCTC develops and provides environmentally conscious products and services which contribute to the reduction of environmental impacts throughout their life cycles.
  3. TCTC strives to reduce the environmental impacts of all business process, encompassing design, manufacturing, logistics, sale, and disposal, with a particular focus on the prevention of global warming,efficient utilization of resources and control of chemical substances.

As a Corporate Citizen of Planet Earth
  1. TCTC contributes to society through its environmental activities, which include the development and provision of excellent, environmentally conscious technologies and products and cooperation with society at large and with local communities.
  2. TCTC is committed to maximizing disclosure and transparency in communication with stakeholders and society at large in order to facilitate mutual understanding.Effective Date : 1st September, 2015
Effective Date : 1st September, 2015
TCTC Policiy Click to download filenew_page.jpg
Environmental Report

2018 Toshiba Carrier Thailand’s environment report is now available.
TCTC Environment Report Click to download filenew_page.jpg

Toshiba Carrier Thailand has its own Environmental Preservation Manual in place that is in line with the international standard ISO14001.We utilize it to carry out the promotion plan, ensure field management, and conduct internal environmental audit, based on the environmental preservation activities, in order to maintainand continuously improve the Environmental Management System.
TCTC Certificate Click to download filenew_page.jpg

Green Industry (Level 3)

Toshiba Carrier Thailand obtained Green Industry Level 3 certified by Ministry of Industry. Committing to environmentally-friendly entrepreneurship by focusing on development and continuous improvement in production process and environmental management, Toshiba Carrier Thailand is managing systematic environmental system including followup, assessment and revision aimed to continuous development as well as receiving a widely-recognized award on environment and accreditations of various types ofenvironments.

TCTC Green Industry Click to download file